La Bella Strings Package
La Bella Strings care package! As always a huge thanks to Lorenza & the team at La Bella for the consistent amazing support!
So, what do we have? What are they gonna be used on/for?
Olinto flats for 4 & 5 string 107-47 & 125-47 Used on various P Basses.
The new Olinto Super Polished strings for 5 string 47-125 Usually used on the Overwater P5.
RX-S4C RX Stainless for 4 string 105-45 Various P Basses.
RX-S5B RX Stainless for 5 string, going a bit bigger this time! 125-45 My Go to String! Used on My Overwater J5.
RX-S6B RX Stainless for 6 string 125-30 Used on the Overwater Hollow-Body.
RX-N5A RX Nickel for a little more smoothness for a session! 125-45 Not quite sure yet.
Thank you gain to La Bella for the continued support as an artist!

Bass Player, Bandleader, Music Educator.
Endorsee of ACS Custom, Aguilar Amplification,
La Bella Strings, Overwater Basses & REMIC Microphones.
