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"Bassicly" Speaking May 2021 Update

It's been a long while since I've done one of these! Hopefully you'll enjoy & take some interest in what I've been unto as a professional bass player, bandleader, composer & music educator in these funny times!


I've stuck to teaching online still, just waiting to get full vaccinated as the studio is too small to distance properly sadly! Although, I'm enjoying having the studio to myself ;) but looking forward to having my students back when the time is right.

It also looks like I will be going back to school. Not as a pupil but to teach asa peripatetic teacher. I always admired my own peripatetic teachers Mike & Aled who guided me through the final stages of my bass playing academically & for that I'd like to say a massive thank you to both of them.

I'm quite looking forward to having the honour to teach & shape young minds in a school setting.

Session Work

I've recently been to my first few in person/in studio recording sessions. Throughout lockdown I've been doing them remotely from my own studio, but nothing comes close to the magic of a purpose built studio & being hired to play bass on artist's tracks!

Most recently I've been in the studio recording bass for 5/6 tracks for Cardiff artist Mr Bewlay & have many more booked for others too.

I've also been recording bass for a film soundtrack! All a bit hush hush

Live Session Work

I've recently been taken on to play bass live for Welsh Australian artist Feralman Some mazing tracks to play live & quite a folky ethereal sound to his music. Rehearsals start soon! Check him out here

Live Work

I currently have 5 shows booked in provisionally & fingers crossed these go ahead as planned! all bar one are in England & with varying artists, bands & covering quite a few genres too

Learn Bass Daily

Along with being a lecturer I am pleased to say that I am now head of advanced mentoring & head of mentoring overall for Learn Bass Daily. This involves taking onboard the advanced players on the platform, setting work & mentoring them through & continuing on with their ongoing advanced bass education. Along with overseeing the same for beginner & intermediate players/mentors in all capacities for Learn Bass Daily.

I'll also be writing exercises for other levels of players & generally hanging about on the platform! If you see me online pop up & say hello!

I took over the Learn Bass Daily Instagram for 24 hours recently. I posted all sorts of performances, pictures & had many livestreams throughout the day & night. These included live performances, n actual online recording session, bass maintenance Q&A's & more. I've got all of the livestream recorded & will edit it & upload it on Learn Bass Daily.

Attention Students!!!

Learn Bass Daily are offering my students free access to the platform which is amazing (thanks Mike) let me know if you're interested in lesson & I'll get you set up with a free account.

You can find out more about Learn Bass Daily & sign up here

Other Work

Along with all of the above I'm currently planning out a live masterclass/clinic on bass in Gloucester later this year for a private bass tutor's students which is great! I haven't conducted a clinic or masterclass in a while & I'm really looking forward to showing my skills & helping all manner of players get an insight, education & advancement in their playing.

I'm still casually writing my own music, the solo bass album is still a long long way off but I've been jotting down some parts as & when they come.

I've also been commissioned to write a track for a leading international shoe/apparel store's in house projects team.

My ongoing work with the Musicians Union is going well & is very heavily involved with the ongoing struggle to re open and/or support live music in the best & most safest way possible.

Odds & Ends

I've not "gone off" flat wound strings & have kept them on my Overwater but I've been going to rounds over them for sessions recently & have some great bass string sets coming over from Optima Strings very shortly, which will be greatly improve & expand on the string sound/tone choices for live & studio work.

One of my amazing bass students, Chris gave me this awesome Musicman Stingray pin, no doubt due to my recent acquisition of the 76 fretless! Thanks Chris. It takes pride of place in one of my studio display cabinets.

Overwater are up to their elbows building me a very special new bass guitar! Everything's a it hush hush at the moment & I can't wait to share it with you all & finally get my hands on it soon! Heres a sneak peek for you.

I'm still getting to grips with my new 1976 Stingray fretless, it's very quickly becoming one of my favourite basses to play. Unfortunately nobody wants any fretless on any tracks at the moment :(

I've got a new live/studio bass tech! Chazz from CJE Guitars Maintenance & Restoration who will be travelling to my studio & on tours to take care of all my bass needs. You can find out more about his work here

I've been getting to grips & loving this finger ramp from Fingerramp! on my 1972 Fender Jazz Bass. Its really been helping in building up my dexterity, speed & control. Really enjoying it! You can check out Fingerramp here

I also managed to bag a vintage Boss OC2 Black Label octave pedal!! Can't wait to some recording/live performances with it!

Hopefully you've enjoyed this update. As always if you'd like to book my services or ask any questions, hit me up on any of the links below.




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