Aguilar Amplification Endorsee
I have been using Aguilar products for around 5 years in a live context since moving from my precious rigs. Namely the Tone Hammer 500 & a lightweight SL112 cabinet in Poseidon Green. The choice to play Aguilar was down to my influences & peers such as Janek Gwizdala, Thundercat & many others. Plus the clarity & replication of my basses individual sound plus enough headroom to do some really exciting things!
That very powerful but very portable rig has been with me all across the UK over the last 5 years but I wanted to upgrade/had an idea around my rig for upcoming tours, where I could have one travelling and one ready to be used at a moments notice just incase.
December 2023 I emailed Aguilar explaining the reasoning & idea I had & they put me in contact with their UK distributor Barnes & Mullins. Where I got talking to Pete. He offered some great suggestions & guided me through the details!
My new number 1 rig is - The Tonehammer 500 going into two SL112's with another Tonehammer 500 & Sl112 that can be moved around as & when required.
I'd really like to thank Pete, Aguilar & everyone involved in this for helping me out & for such a speedy service!
I'm over the moon about this new rig & can't wait to get it out on tour as soon as possible! A very proud user of Aguilar Amplification.
Please feel free to contact me regarding booking my services etc.
