Jan 7, 2018
Endorsed by Optima
Some great news to share with everyone! I am now endorsed by Optima strings!! I've been using Optima's RB Flatwounds for around a year,...

Aug 25, 2017
What's Going On? "Bassicly" Speaking Summer Update 2017
It's been a quiet Summer so far, but nonetheless Autummn has plenty to be getting on with! It's been quiet on the gig side & teaching...

Apr 24, 2017
The Future? / "Bassicly Speaking" Update April 2017
So what does the future hold? In this post I will be exploring & explaining my own ambitions & changes i'm going through on a...

Feb 16, 2017
Rig Rundown February 2017
So, a lot of people have asked for it so here it is. My complete bass rig. The actual stuff I use daily for my job from top to bottom...

Feb 14, 2017
"Bassicly Speaking" February 2017 Update
What a start to the year! It's been a month & a half of ups & downs but I wouldn't change it for the world! Band Work The Special Brew...

Nov 22, 2016
End of Year Update (Bassicly Speaking November 2016)
The top highlights for me have to be playing as a 3 piece with Dead Method at Glastonbury not once but twice. Going on tour to Germany in th

Oct 16, 2016
Xvive U2 Wireless Guitar System astrings.co.uk
I've got some huge stages coming up so I though I'd better upgrade my wireless system. So I popped down to A Strings and got these bad...

Sep 24, 2016
“Bassicly” Speaking June 2016 Update
It’s been a long while since I’ve posted here! I’m not going to lie, I have been putting it off, but for one good reason! So I could...

Sep 24, 2016
Mono M80 Dual Electric Bass Case & Guitar Tick Review
We all know how awkward it is carrying two basses about between rehearsals, sessions & gigs and how useless 99% of dual bass cases are....

Sep 24, 2016
Rig Rundown – January 2016
So, a lot of people have asked for it so here it is. My complete bass rig. The actual stuff I use daily for my job from top to bottom...